Monday, February 25, 2008

Hope and all that…

Sometimes life leaves so many questions unanswered that it becomes difficult to fathom the depths of whatever is happening. But then, there is that little flame flickering in the heart that people call hope. That’s what life is all about.

Sounds preachy? Not really the intention cause I have never really been much of a preacher. That’s an interesting business, though…and has a lot of money in it too! Now, I am drifting away from the main thing, so let me just continue with the main topic before I lose it.

A few things that happened recently have just strengthened my faith in hope. A hope that no matter what happens, when you love someone, the person is bound to notice it and love you back. Maybe more, maybe less but love you nevertheless. Just that when you go to bed at night, your conscience should be clear that you have given in your hundred percent. So is the case when it comes to work too, at times. But more so with personal life cause in personal life, the tendency of things not being in your control is higher. And in such a case, knowing that you have given everything you had is good cause then you know that sooner or later, that other person will realize. THAT, my friend, is hope. Sometimes, there are things that only time can do. And hope is what helps a person wait. Stop and wait.

So for all of you, who have gone through something similar, or those who can relate to this, I guess you will understand what I am trying to say. For the rest, well, have the faith in hope. Life will bring back what you think it has taken away.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It’s a dog’s life!

(As I have already told you, my constant inspiration has been Little T. So here is yet another piece inspired by her. What would I do without you princess?)

One afternoon, Little T and me, we were walking down the road. We had no particular destination. Now, both of us have an amazing tendency to observe strange things. So when we came upon a garbage dump, it wasn’t very difficult to miss that sight.

On a torn couch, there was a street dog, sitting like it was his throne and he was the king. He looked around at people walking to and fro. I walked up to him to have a conversation. And this is what it turned out to be like…

Me: Hey fella! What’s up in life?

Dog: My name is Bow Wow. Show some respect!

Me: Oh I am sorry. So, how has your day been so far Bow Wow?

Dog: Not so bright, actually. I woke up from sleep rather early this morning. Around noon I guess. Since then I have been doing this and that. So a little tired. And just as I was planning to begin my siesta, you dropped by. Woof!

Me: But what have you done that has tired you out so much? I mean, it’s barely been four hours since you woke up!

Dog: You humans never understand! And that’s precisely why you’re all so primitive! All that you can think is that working is what tires one out. That maybe true for less evolved beings like you. But I have higher goals to pursue. Look at those pretty females over there? The mating season’s approaching. Do you have any idea how much stress that is?! There is so much competition! So ensure my girlfriend didn’t go tail in tail with another dog, I had to go all the way to Sugar N Spice to get her favorite butterscotch pastries. Though, yes, I made a cute face and managed to get a pretty big piece. But have you ever considered the distance?! It’s more than fifty steps away. So that makes it at least a hundred steps to and fro…plus I haven’t really had much to eat in the day, besides that packet of bourbon biscuits and six pieces of chicken. I didn’t even have a proper dessert. That kid I met was such a miser, he gave me just half the chocolate!

Me: Pardon me, but it doesn’t sound like very hard work to me. I mean, that’s hardly any work at all.

Dog: See? That’s why I said you humans are primitive. I mean, work does go beyond office, you know. Look at me. I am sitting on this couch cause my girlfriend liked it and I can’t let any other dog take possession of it and impress her before I do! So I have to sit here and stare at all you strange two legged creatures. Do you have any clue about how much energy it takes to keep moving my head from side to side? I would rather sleep and conserve energy. See…that’s why I said that you humans are stupid. You don’t understand how important it is to save energy. C’mon, move on now, I got work to do. I have to guard this couch for my beloved otherwise she will be mad at me!

So I left Bow Wow alone and continued on my walk with Little T. But now, as I am sitting in my office at 2 in the morning, I have realized two things. First, I would rather be a dog. Trust me, sitting on the couch guarding it for Little T is much more worthwhile than slogging it out in the office. Second, across all species, human or animal, one universal truth prevails. When a guy is in love, he is ready to go to any length to impress his girl and make her feel special. At least, I do. Are you listening Little T?
Anyway, I got to get back to work, cause unfortunately, I don’t have a dog’s life.


Sunday, February 17, 2008


There is a girl in my office. Well, nothing unusual about a girl in the office. But this girl is different. Her wax statue should be put up in Madame Tussauds (can you see the sarcasm in the statement?). She’s one of a kind. And allow me to now launch into a tirade about what sets her apart. I hope it will be a nice read, even if it doesn’t throw you off your chair laughing.

Now, no names to be taken, ok? So, here it goes.
First her habit of nose digging is endless. I wonder sometimes, what is that she is looking for in there? And it isn’t just me. Other people in the office are equally perplexed. A nose definitely isn’t the best place to bury a treasure. Or maybe she was an archeologist in her previous birth! Possibilities are endless, so lets not get there. I don’t want to gross you out.
Moving on, there is so much space between her ears (thanks to the absence of the brain) that half of the city’s population can live there if she starts leasing that space out. I guess the authorities should take notice of this. Does she pay her property taxes? To add to everyone’s misery she has the capability to nag people to death. Or almost to death. And I guess she’s never heard that there are medicines to cure people scratching problems cause she keeps scratching the unmentionables to no end.

Well, that permanent scowl on her face makes her look constipated. Or maybe she actually suffers from the problem. The other day she fell flat on all fours while walking around the office. Sad. I know. It might have broken the floor tiles!

Now it may sound like I am really biased against her nut it isn’t just me. It’s a lot of other people in the office. The reason is simple. She works at her own pace and expects everyone to do the same. Sorry, not possible. No matter what time she comes in, at 6, she’s out while we slog our behinds off to ensure that the work quality doesn’t suffer. She seems to forget that I am a copywriter and my partner is an art director. There is a little difference between us and operators. Her favourite request is: please change this oen word in the line. I mean, really, writing isn’t just about stringing words together. But that point seems to miss her by miles!

Well, I just hope God knocks enough sense in her head so that she doesn’t drive me and the others in the office to the brink of insanity!

Well, I will make a move now.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

please...just once...

My heart yearns for you
But I can not cry…
Cause I am dead from inside
My tears are dry…

One fine day
You just walked away…
For no reason
You had nothing to say…

Life was beautiful
With you by my side…
You were my little treasure
You were my pride…

My strength was you
You were my life…
Now every moment, sans you
Is a struggle to survive…

Your presence is ubiquitous
In every part of me…
There was no one like you ever
There never will be…

I do not know
Where I went wrong…
When did cacophony
Replace the wonderful song?

All I want is a last chance
To take you into my arms…
In the winter chill
I want to keep you warm…

Every hour of the day
As I drag my corpse…
What keeps me going
Is that little glimmer of hope…

One fine day
Maybe I will have you in my arms again…
I promise I will love you so much
It will wipe out all your pain…

(LOVE YOU Little T)